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Know Your Cannabis Subspecies

Indica vs Sativa





Cannabis sativa is the tall, thin older brother that indica hates being compared to. He’s wildly popular because he’s always fun — the life of the party, full of wild ideas.

This species is the opposite of indica: tall, thin, more uplifting, and has higher amounts of THC.


Hybrids are a cross between sativa and indica — it’s kind of like the middle child that can do whatever it wants. Maybe it’ll be full of life, and maybe it won’t. Though difficult to understand, everyone loves this kid’s versatility and obstinate opposition to fitting into any box.

Breeders combine indica and sativa to get specific traits, making the possible combinations almost endless.


Cannabis indica is the short, chubby kid that likes to sit around; not athletic or overly ambitious; friendly, but content to be quietly sitting alone.

This species of cannabis plant grows small and bushy with dark green leaves. It’s traditionally higher in CBD and more relaxing than sativas.

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Albert Einstein