Select Spectrum Gummies (Strawberry)
Seeking the entourage effect? Don't get in a jam (pun intended). Enjoy a special blend of hemp-derived cannabinoids packed in sugar-coated gummies featuring a freshly-picked strawberry flavor.
Freshly picked flavor, in a soft, sugar coated gummy.
Bright and juicy berry flavor. Faint hints of sourness. All coming together in a soft, chewy disc to promote the entourage effect.This is what you will find in our Select Spectrum Strawberry Gummies. And yes. This unique 100% hemp-derived blend was first created by Hometown Hero.
Select Spectrum, an ideal blend for the ideal entourage effect.
Alone? Cannabinoids have their own distinct properties. Together? They can bring out the best in each other aka the “entourage effect.”With 10mg CBD, 10mg Delta-9, and minor cannabinoids it’s time to enjoy hemp-derived harmony. But keep in mind that effects may vary.
Legal in every state.
Yes, every state, as in all 50. From sea to shining sea. From Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon. That’s what we mean.With 100% hemp-derived cannabinoids and ≤ 0.3% Delta-9 by dry weight, it’s THC for all 21 and older.